Saint Paul is one of the dynamic promoters of early Christianity. His influence in Christianity was so great that he is
considered as one of the greatest religious leaders of all time. As St. Paul himself states in several places, God chose him
as the "Chosen Vessel" of propagating Faith throughout the world.
St.Paul's unique place in Christianity
There can be no doubt about the special place given to St.Paul in the pages of the New Testament. He occupies more
than half of the New Testament. He is attributed with the thirteen letters and two-thirds of the Acts of the Apostles.
letters are considered to be authentic doctrines and have been the guiding documents of the Christianity from the early
The Favorite Topic of Paul
St.Paul wrote about various subjects to help the followers of early Christianity. He writes about his 'divine call', his travels
to propagate the Faith, his sufferings, etc. He insists about the relationship with Jesus through prayers. "Prayer" was his
favorite topic which he never neglected.
St.Paul - an Apostle of Prayer
Jesus taught us why we should pray and how to pray. He spent much time in prayer. Whenever possible, he sought places
to pray in silence. He taught humanity that praying is nothing but the conversation with God the Father. Paul instructs his
followers various methods of prayer. In all his letters, he insists the importance and necessity of prayer.
What to pray?
Although all the letters of Paul mention about prayer, his letter to the Philippians influences me greatly. It is a sweet letter
of Paul, written like an enjoyable poem. It is unique in several ways. Paul considers that all topics are appropriate for
prayer because every prayer is a conversation with God, consulting Him about everything.
Enjoy Paul's words which call us to a happy and care-free life. In the letter to the Philippians, he says, "Do not be
anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God,
(Philippians 4: 6-7 NIV)
We pray to thank God
Although God knows what is in our minds, He desires that we, His children, should converse with Him and make
conscious efforts to communicate with Him. Another important thing Paul points out is to thank the heavenly Father. He
insists that a prayer is not just a petition or request but every prayer should be infused with thanksgiving. It is very
important that we acknowledge the blessings that we receive from God.
Grateful hearts make prayer easy
Whenever we pray let us focus our thoughts on the blessings that we get every day, instead of focusing on our problems
and challenges in life. This attitude makes praying easy. Our prayers make us happier and more satisfied. Let us
remember the words of Jesus, "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard
because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." (Matthew
6:7-8 NIV)
The highest form of prayer
I remember the words of G.K.Chesterton, a great journalist, and philosopher, saying, "I would maintain that giving thanks
is the highest form of thought and gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." I hope the letters of St.Paul, especially the
letter to the Philippians, will open our hearts to be nearer to God our Father.